Imran's Responsibility in Counter-Terror Policy

My response to the article published at above link:

Dear Sheema very nicely written article. I fully endorse and agree with your sentiments. Here are my few cents on your valuable thoughts.

Unless you know the depth of a well, you can never decide the length of string to be used to jump into and come out of it successfully. So your suggestion to come up with anti-terror policy without being in full picture is tantamount to be on the border line of bravery and stupidity to say the least. Imran Khan is one of those leaders currently in Pakistan who once endorses the policy of government and army even his opponents will believe in it. With greater trust and expectations come greater responsibility. It will be highly unfair of us to expect him to take responsibility of something, he does not even know about.

I believe the ball rests in the court of our "experienced" leadership of PML-N to first take an initiative by taking him into confidence being the largest and ruling party in KPK. After that if he stays passive, I will also be with you in shifting the whole responsibility on Imran Khan. Yes! I do not call him Khan sb. I call him Imran or Imran Khan. That seems to be more close to my heart. 

As far as coming up with SOME policy is concerned that can be given by ANYONE at ANYTIME. For example here is one humble proposal from me;

"We mostly keep on criticizing everyone. Or we keep on spreading rhetoric without even understanding what are we saying. I am going to try sincerely to give my 2 cents at "what should be the policy to tackle terrorism".

1. Round the clock monitoring of sensitive areas using a very cheap option of floating balloons in air at high altitudes with cameras / thermal imagers installed in them. Cameras and balloons should be co-ordinated with GPS system in real time. 

2. Rapid action security force with provision of helicopters / speedy vehicles to reach anywhere within their defined range on information from surveillance teams.

3. Above two steps will not take more than 2 months to implement if done sincerely.

4. Secret courts with secret judges to hear and decide the cases of terrorism.It will ensure speedy justice without any pressure on judges. Ideally 2 judges from civilian background and 1 from military would do the job. A right of review must be provided in which 2 randmoly and secretly selected judges from any high court or supreme court along with a senior military officer should hear the appeals and decide the case. The maximum time for all this should not be more than 60 days.

5. Engage in dialogue with all those who want to and convince them to come in mainstream. Use attacking diplomacy all over the world to stop US from drone strikes. Remember your wife will not respect you if you get beaten by everyone outside your home and demand respect at home.

Above mentioned points were immediate or short term measures. Now coming to long term measures;

1. No Imam of Mosques to be appointed except by government itself after the exams on the pattern of CSS and ISSB etc.

2. No Madrissah to teach anything which encourages hatred or differences among Muslims.

3. Uniform and in line with national interests curriculum at first stage in all schools and all schools to follow same pattern of teaching in 2nd stage thus ensure uniform and free education at all levels.

4. Immediate revamping of Police on the pattern of 1122 or Motorway police of 1990s.

5. Immediate legislation and corrective measures in judiciary system to ensure speedy justice. Make whole system online with automated warning issuance to judges in case of delays.

6. Truly empowered local bodies so that problems of people may be solved by people themselves. - See more at: "

And to understand the underlying dynamics further, I am sorry to bitter your mouth with Urdu but I prefer writing in Urdu to reach a much larger audience, kindly refer to this link for a long lasting solution which happens to be nothing except the manifesto of PTI.

Disclaimer: I am neither a politician, nor a writer, nor a journalist. I am an ordinary citizen of Pakistan who never had even the bit of interest in politics. I started writing article on politics thanks to the agenda and inspirational leadership of Imran Khan.

I firmly believe Imran Khan is a transformational leader. We should not ask him to jump blindly into something before first making sure that what he is doing is DAMN RIGHT. Thank you everyone whoever has read me up to this point.