KPK Local Government System

A Brief Analysis and Summary of KPK Local Government Proposed System. Please review and comment. We will try to forward your convincing reservations to concerned people.

The Biggest Step Towards Change in KPK. Local Government elections methodology. It is awesome. I have just one reservation that the funds must NOT be given by Tehsil Nazims but directly to Village Nazims from Ministry of Finance. Rest it is quite promising proposal. No harm in experimenting No Pain, No Gain; No Risk, No Game.
Here is the answer from a PTI office Bearer in response to my reservation. So kind of him.
Ali Asghar Khan (Official): The provincial finance commission will allocate funds to all tiers which shall be transferred directly to each tier. It has been proposed that a minimum of 50% of the Annual Development Budget shall be allocated to Local Governments. The criteria for distribution will be established bases on poverty, population, revenue generation, fiscal performance etc
P.S: There are total3 tiers. District Level, Tehsil Level and Village Level. I prepared this data from the following status update of a PTI official mentioned above
"As a member of the working group I am being asked about the draft LG Structure. The Chairman PTI along with coalition partners approved the following structure for the KpK local government system.
It will comprise of 3 fully empowered tiers at the District, Tehsil and village level. These tiers will not only carry out development works but will also hold government functionaries accountable for their actions or inaction.
The village council will be elected on a free list nonparty basis and a village will comprise of a population of 2000 to 10000 persons depending upon population density.
On an average this will devolve the existing UC to 4 to 5 villages.
A village council will comprise of 10 to 15 councillors including reserved seats women 33% labour/ kissan 5% Youth 5% and non muslims 5%
The person getting the max votes on the general seat will be the village nazim and the 2nd highest eill be the village naib nazim.
The same principle will apply in the urban UCs where neighbourhood Councils will be elected and these will be based on a population of 6000 to 15000. There will be no LG tier at the UC level however the UC will act as an electoral constituency for the Tehsil and District members.
It will elect on a party basis one representative for the Tehsil and one for the District Council through direct election.
Rules for floor crossing shall apply and any independents elected will have to join a political party before the election of Nazim and Naib Nazims to the Tehsil and District who shall be elected from within the house.
Reserved seats shall be based on party lists. Hope this is of some help"