Dialogue Between an Indian and a Pakistani

Dialogue Between an Indian and a Pakistani 

It was a discussion on an article about statement of an Indian Official on Insider's Job during Mumbai Attacks.

Me: Dear Democratic, tolerant, secular India with utmost freedom of expression, thanks for deleting my comment. :) Here it is again for the kind review of all fellow Indians. A country where religious extremists and fundamentalists can attain political majority from their nation while preaching a religion which divides its own followers in to 4 classes and then mistreats them respectively, how can you expect it to be justified in all its dealings and acts? 

Shall I remind the ethnic origins of all those who died in Parliament attack? Shall I mention the cases Hemant Karkare was investigating who was killed in Mumbai attacks? No Pakistani of even moderate beliefs will ever say Bhagwan in any circumstances and you are talking about a Fundamentalist, Pakistani, Jehadi saying it? Do we need to remind Maligaon, Samjotha express incidents? 

Shining India is fast turning into a joke because of its lust for draconian laws and its ever increasing obsession about Pakistan. And now when we Pakistanis question those incidents on which our relations are based, they say lets burry the past? Pakistan is a sheep compared to the size of the wolf India. What could have Pakistan achieved by an attack on Parliament House and Mumbai? Pakistan lost a lot in these episodes, gained nothing, neither could it gain anything out of such lame acts. 

Indian people need to demand an independent and fair inquiry into reality of these incidents for the peaceful future of their own generations. We Pakistanis can only highlight and show our concerns but at the end of the day, it would be peaceful Indians who love humanity themselves will have to raise their voice for their own safety. Regards

Indian Reply: Isn't this strange, coming from a Islamic Republic, who talk about Godhra, Malegaon Riots on one hand and on the other hand support active militancy in the Kashmir valley, On One hand sign the Lahore agreement on the other hand you send your army into Kargil, I think its in your country where the population of Hindus and other Minorities has shown a dramatic decline since Independence ,yet you want to show your rational and balanced side, On one hand support the Kashmir cause and consider it a freedom struggle, on the other hand you are consider the Balochistanis as terrorists, About the 4 classes that you mentioned, in India the Scheduled classes get reservations and jobs, can you give that to Shias and Ahmadis or Christians and Hindus in Pakistan? That is a joke! We never ask you to bury the past, because your country was created in our past. We do not want any relations with your country - good or bad. You mentioned about a lust for draconian laws, look at your democracy that is a joke flirting with your martial law. As far as a fair inquiry is involved, don't worry our country is a true democracy where people like Mr. Varma are given a right to file a affidavit in the Supreme Court to question the credentials of a known Terrorist who belongs to Dipalpur at Okara in Pakistan, where your media actually went and found out "Hey - Its one of Ours", and today you can peacefully lay a claim to the contrary, this is the power of a democratic constitution. So don't worry about Shining India turning into a joke, just enjoy your visit to this website, till this joke continues and the truth is established, you have fun. We know how to deal with our problems and do not want any Americans or Pakistanis to tell us what to do. Please get out and get a life, We do not require your concerns for humanity and see its you who is obsessed about India and not us. NO REGARDS

My Reply:
1. Was it an Indian Prime Minister who promised a plebiscite in Kashmir while standing in United Nations? All your rant about equating Balochistan and Kashmir stands null and void. 

2. Many muslims decided not to leave India because they did not believe in 2 nation theory. They rather believed in so called "Secularism" of India and hence are suffering today as a result. This is why Muslims are still in great number as a minority but Hindus left Pakistan because Hindus always feel happy being a majority. 

3. As an example do some research on percentage of Muslims in India and percentage of jobs they get. It will negate your false claims about fairness of system. 

4. In Pakistan no extremist religious party has ever been able to get majority at national level but in India BJP did it several times. Speaks volumes about which country's nation is religiously fanatic and which one is tolerant. 

5. A series of incidents is in front of us in which India first blamed Pakistan and later on found out its own extremists behind them 

6. You miserably failed to logically defy my argument that a religion which divides its own followers into 5 classes as a matter of birth, it can never give justice to others. 

7. Shining India is shining only in Bollywood movies, the real India is facing protest from nakxx women in front of their "Soorma Jawans" to rxxe them. 

8. Please get rid of myths, face the reality, accept Pakistan open heartedly, we are friends of friends and enemies of enemies. Our people need to live in peace. Please stop blaming Pakistan for everything in India. 

 An Indian can never pay regards to Pakistanis but I am still paying regards to whole India with love and a request to please ask your government to stop being obsessed about Pakistan and improve things in their homeland and live in harmony with their neighbours. Please do not forget, we can change our friends but not our neighbours.

The discussion took place on the below mentioned article;

New Army Chief Selection

ایک وزیرِاعظم اور مشیر کا مکالمہ

آخری وقت اشاعت:  اتوار 6 اکتوبر 2013 , Published on BBC

وزیرِاعظم: کیا کریں ؟

مشیر: فیصلہ تو آپ ہی کو کرنا ہے سر جی۔

وزیرِاعظم: صبح سے بار بار یہ تین تصویریں الٹ پلٹ کر دیکھ چکا ہوں، سمجھ میں نہیں آ رہا کہ کیا کروں۔

مشیر: کیا سمجھ میں نہیں آ رہا سر جی؟

وزیرِ اعظم : یہ دیکھو تصویر نمبر ایک۔ ناک نقشہ تو ٹھیک ہے مگر آنکھیں چھوٹی ہیں۔ابا جی نے کہا تھا کہ چھوٹی آنکھ والے پر ہمیشہ آنکھ رکھنا اور یہ تصویر نمبر دو، اس کا چہرہ بالکل سپاٹ ہے بالکل چینیوں کی طرح۔ کچھ پتہ نہیں چلتا کہ یہ میرے بارے میں کیا ، کیسے اور کیوں سوچتا ہے ؟ اور یہ رہی تصویر نمبر تین، مسکراتا چہرہ ہے لیکن چہرہ تو ضیا صاحب مرحوم و مغفور کا بھی ہمیشہ مسکراتا ہی رہتا تھا اور پھر انہوں نے مسکراتے مسکراتے ہی بھٹو صاحب کی۔۔۔

مشیر: تو پھر جیسے آپ کا حکم ؟

وزیرِاعظم : تیسرے کے بعد چوتھا ، پانچواں ، چھٹا اور ساتواں بھی تو ہوگا۔ذرا ان کی تصویریں منگواؤ۔

مشیر: سر جی تصویریں ریکارڈ سے نکلوانے میں دیر لگے گی۔ میں آپ کو ویسے ہی ان کا ناک نقشہ سمجھا دیتا ہوں۔ چوتھا دُور کا چشمہ لگاتا ہے ۔

وزیرِاعظم: ایک منٹ، دور کا چشمہ تو مشرف بھی لگاتا تھا ؟

مشیر: جی سر۔

وزیرِاعظم: تو پھر دفع کرو۔ پانچویں کے بارے میں بتاؤ۔

مشیر: سر پانچواں کلین شیو ہے مگر پڑھتے وقت قریب کا چشمہ لگاتا ہے۔

وزیرِاعظم: یعنی جہانگیر کرامت کی طرح ؟؟؟

مشیر: جی سر۔

وزیرِاعظم: چلو آگے بڑھو ۔

مشیر: سر چھٹے کی دور اور نزدیک کی نظر ٹھیک ہے مگر مونچھیں ہیں۔

وزیرِاعظم: مونچھیں ؟ کیسی مونچھیں ؟ ضیا الحق مرحوم و مغفور جیسی ، کاکڑ جیسی یا ضیا الدین جیسی ؟

مشیر: سر کاکڑ صاحب سے ملتی جلتی ۔

وزیرِاعظم : آر یو شور کہ ضیا الدین جیسی نہیں ہیں ۔

مشیر: نو سر، لیکن آپ چاہیں تو ہم اسے ضیا الدین جیسی کرنے کا مشورہ دے سکتے ہیں۔

وزیرِاعظم: نہیں کوئی فائدہ نہیں۔اندر سے تو وہ پھر بھی چھوٹی مونچھوں والا ہی رہے گا نا ۔۔اور ساتواں ؟

مشیر: سر جی ساتویں کی کچھ سمجھ نہیں آتی ۔اسے کبھی کسی نے غصے میں نہیں دیکھا۔ہر وقت چہرے پر فلاسفروں جیسی مسکراہٹ رہتی ہے۔ آپ کا ذکر آجائے تو مسکراہٹ اور گہری ہوجاتی ہے۔

وزیرِاعظم : کیا مطلب اس بات کا؟ کیا وہ مجھے پسند کرتا ہے یا بےوقوف سمجھتا ہے۔

مشیر: سر یہی تو پتہ نہیں چلتا ۔

وزیرِاعظم :ہوں۔۔۔تو پھر بتاؤ کیا کریں ؟

مشیر: سر میری مانیں تو سب کے نام برتن میں ڈال کر کسی بچے سے ایک پرچی اٹھوا لیں۔

وزیرِاعظم : لیکن اگر پرچی پر ان ساتوں میں سے کسی کا نام آگیا تو کیا کریں گے ؟

مشیر: سوری سر۔۔۔یہ تو میں نے سوچا ہی نہیں تھا۔

وزیرِاعظم : میرے ذہن میں ایک آئیڈیا آیا ہے۔ ذرا اسے ایکسپلور کرو۔تمہیں یاد ہے کہ دو سال پہلے تین ریٹائرڈ افسروں پر جب کرپشن کا الزام لگا تھا تو ان کی ریٹائرمنٹ ختم کر کے انہیں حاضر سروس کر لیا گیا تھا تاکہ اندر خانے ہی ان کا کورٹ مارشل کرسکے ؟

مشیر: جی سر ایسا ہوا تو تھا ۔

وزیرِاعظم : تو پھر کیوں نہ ہم کسی ریٹائرڈ افسر کو دوبارہ حاضر سروس کر کے اس کا نام ایوانِ صدر بھجوا دیں۔ میرے ذہن میں ایک نام ہے۔ ماشااللہ اکیانوے سال کی عمر میں بھی کسی بھی موجودہ حاضر افسر کی طرح چاق و چوبند ہیں ۔تمہیں پتہ ہے کہ اس وقت شمالی کوریا کے چیف آف سٹاف بھی ایک پچاسی سالہ جنرل صاحب ہیں۔ چلی کے جنرل پنوشے بھی اسی عمر میں ریٹائر ہوئے اور ویتنام کے جنرل گیاپ کا تو ابھی ایک سو دو سال کی عمر میں انتقال ہوا ہے۔یہ سب میں نے وکی پیڈیا پر پڑھا تھا۔کیسا آئیڈیا ہے ؟

مشیر: سر آپ کا آئیڈیا سن کر میرے ذہن میں بھی ایک آئیڈیا آگیا ؟

وزیرِ اعظم : واقعی ؟ جلدی سے بتاؤ۔ تم میرے پہلے مشیر ہو جس کے ذہن میں کوئی آئیڈیا آیا؟

مشیر: سر اگر ہم آرمی کا نام نیوی اور نیوی کا نام آرمی رکھ دیں تو مسئلہ ہی حل ہو جائے گا۔

وزیرِاعظم : لیکن اس سے آرمی والے ناراض ہو سکتے ہیں۔ میں دوسری دفعہ ان کی ناراضگی مول نہیں لے سکتا ۔

مشیر: تو پھر سر ان تین تصویروں میں سے ہی ایک چن لیں ۔

وزیرِاعظم : در فٹے منہ۔۔۔ تم کدو کے مشیر ہو ؟

مشیر : سر ۔۔

KPK Local Government System

A Brief Analysis and Summary of KPK Local Government Proposed System. Please review and comment. We will try to forward your convincing reservations to concerned people.

The Biggest Step Towards Change in KPK. Local Government elections methodology. It is awesome. I have just one reservation that the funds must NOT be given by Tehsil Nazims but directly to Village Nazims from Ministry of Finance. Rest it is quite promising proposal. No harm in experimenting No Pain, No Gain; No Risk, No Game.
Here is the answer from a PTI office Bearer in response to my reservation. So kind of him.
Ali Asghar Khan (Official): The provincial finance commission will allocate funds to all tiers which shall be transferred directly to each tier. It has been proposed that a minimum of 50% of the Annual Development Budget shall be allocated to Local Governments. The criteria for distribution will be established bases on poverty, population, revenue generation, fiscal performance etc
P.S: There are total3 tiers. District Level, Tehsil Level and Village Level. I prepared this data from the following status update of a PTI official mentioned above
"As a member of the working group I am being asked about the draft LG Structure. The Chairman PTI along with coalition partners approved the following structure for the KpK local government system.
It will comprise of 3 fully empowered tiers at the District, Tehsil and village level. These tiers will not only carry out development works but will also hold government functionaries accountable for their actions or inaction.
The village council will be elected on a free list nonparty basis and a village will comprise of a population of 2000 to 10000 persons depending upon population density.
On an average this will devolve the existing UC to 4 to 5 villages.
A village council will comprise of 10 to 15 councillors including reserved seats women 33% labour/ kissan 5% Youth 5% and non muslims 5%
The person getting the max votes on the general seat will be the village nazim and the 2nd highest eill be the village naib nazim.
The same principle will apply in the urban UCs where neighbourhood Councils will be elected and these will be based on a population of 6000 to 15000. There will be no LG tier at the UC level however the UC will act as an electoral constituency for the Tehsil and District members.
It will elect on a party basis one representative for the Tehsil and one for the District Council through direct election.
Rules for floor crossing shall apply and any independents elected will have to join a political party before the election of Nazim and Naib Nazims to the Tehsil and District who shall be elected from within the house.
Reserved seats shall be based on party lists. Hope this is of some help"

Imran's Responsibility in Counter-Terror Policy


My response to the article published at above link:

Dear Sheema very nicely written article. I fully endorse and agree with your sentiments. Here are my few cents on your valuable thoughts.

Unless you know the depth of a well, you can never decide the length of string to be used to jump into and come out of it successfully. So your suggestion to come up with anti-terror policy without being in full picture is tantamount to be on the border line of bravery and stupidity to say the least. Imran Khan is one of those leaders currently in Pakistan who once endorses the policy of government and army even his opponents will believe in it. With greater trust and expectations come greater responsibility. It will be highly unfair of us to expect him to take responsibility of something, he does not even know about.

I believe the ball rests in the court of our "experienced" leadership of PML-N to first take an initiative by taking him into confidence being the largest and ruling party in KPK. After that if he stays passive, I will also be with you in shifting the whole responsibility on Imran Khan. Yes! I do not call him Khan sb. I call him Imran or Imran Khan. That seems to be more close to my heart. 

As far as coming up with SOME policy is concerned that can be given by ANYONE at ANYTIME. For example here is one humble proposal from me;

"We mostly keep on criticizing everyone. Or we keep on spreading rhetoric without even understanding what are we saying. I am going to try sincerely to give my 2 cents at "what should be the policy to tackle terrorism".

1. Round the clock monitoring of sensitive areas using a very cheap option of floating balloons in air at high altitudes with cameras / thermal imagers installed in them. Cameras and balloons should be co-ordinated with GPS system in real time. 

2. Rapid action security force with provision of helicopters / speedy vehicles to reach anywhere within their defined range on information from surveillance teams.

3. Above two steps will not take more than 2 months to implement if done sincerely.

4. Secret courts with secret judges to hear and decide the cases of terrorism.It will ensure speedy justice without any pressure on judges. Ideally 2 judges from civilian background and 1 from military would do the job. A right of review must be provided in which 2 randmoly and secretly selected judges from any high court or supreme court along with a senior military officer should hear the appeals and decide the case. The maximum time for all this should not be more than 60 days.

5. Engage in dialogue with all those who want to and convince them to come in mainstream. Use attacking diplomacy all over the world to stop US from drone strikes. Remember your wife will not respect you if you get beaten by everyone outside your home and demand respect at home.

Above mentioned points were immediate or short term measures. Now coming to long term measures;

1. No Imam of Mosques to be appointed except by government itself after the exams on the pattern of CSS and ISSB etc.

2. No Madrissah to teach anything which encourages hatred or differences among Muslims.

3. Uniform and in line with national interests curriculum at first stage in all schools and all schools to follow same pattern of teaching in 2nd stage thus ensure uniform and free education at all levels.

4. Immediate revamping of Police on the pattern of 1122 or Motorway police of 1990s.

5. Immediate legislation and corrective measures in judiciary system to ensure speedy justice. Make whole system online with automated warning issuance to judges in case of delays.

6. Truly empowered local bodies so that problems of people may be solved by people themselves. - See more at: http://think-pk.blogspot.com/2013/08/my-2-cents-on-anti-terrorism-policy.html "

And to understand the underlying dynamics further, I am sorry to bitter your mouth with Urdu but I prefer writing in Urdu to reach a much larger audience, kindly refer to this link for a long lasting solution which happens to be nothing except the manifesto of PTI.

Disclaimer: I am neither a politician, nor a writer, nor a journalist. I am an ordinary citizen of Pakistan who never had even the bit of interest in politics. I started writing article on politics thanks to the agenda and inspirational leadership of Imran Khan.

I firmly believe Imran Khan is a transformational leader. We should not ask him to jump blindly into something before first making sure that what he is doing is DAMN RIGHT. Thank you everyone whoever has read me up to this point.

For Those Who Believe in Fortune Favors The Brave :)

اب بھی جسکا خون نہ کھولے، وہ خون نہیں پانی ہے 
جو ملک کے کام نہ آۓ، بے کار وہ جوانی ہے 

I am speechless. Whoever made this video deserves applause. I stayed silent for 3 minutes after watching it. I fell short of words. I still am. I feel pity for the nation which cannot recognize who is its well wisher and who is its looter. Instead this poor nation keeps on insisting on trying tested options again and again. Any human with some heart can feel the truth and pain in the voice of Khan when he talks about his family.

My 2 Cents on Anti-Terrorism Policy

We mostly keep on criticizing everyone. Or we keep on spreading rhetoric without even understanding what are we saying. I am going to try sincerely to give my 2 cents at "what should be the policy to tackle terrorism".

1. Round the clock monitoring of sensitive areas using a very cheap option of floating balloons in air at high altitudes with cameras / thermal imagers installed in them. Cameras and balloons should be co-ordinated with GPS system in real time. 

2. Rapid action security force with provision of helicopters / speedy vehicles to reach anywhere within their defined range on information from surveillance teams.

3. Above two steps will not take more than 2 months to implement if done sincerely.

4. Secret courts with secret judges to hear and decide the cases of terrorism.It will ensure speedy justice without any pressure on judges. Ideally 2 judges from civilian background and 1 from military would do the job. A right of review must be provided in which 2 randmoly and secretly selected judges from any high court or supreme court along with a senior military officer should hear the appeals and decide the case. The maximum time for all this should not be more than 60 days.

5. Engage in dialogue with all those who want to and convince them to come in mainstream. Use attacking diplomacy all over the world to stop US from drone strikes. Remember your wife will not respect you if you get beaten by everyone outside your home and demand respect at home.

Above mentioned points were immediate or short term measures. Now coming to long term measures;

1. No Imam of Mosques to be appointed except by government itself after the exams on the pattern of CSS and ISSB etc.

2. No Madrissah to teach anything which encourages hatred or differences among Muslims.

3. Uniform and in line with national interests curriculum at first stage in all schools and all schools to follow same pattern of teaching in 2nd stage thus ensure uniform and free education at all levels.

4. Immediate revamping of Police on the pattern of 1122 or Motorway police of 1990s.

5. Immediate legislation and corrective measures in judiciary system to ensure speedy justice. Make whole system online with automated warning issuance to judges in case of delays.

6. Truly empowered local bodies so that problems of people may be solved by people themselves.

Any differences / disagreements with reasoning will be strongly welcomed.

Post Mortem of Metro Bus System

Before raising any objections please read the references and description fully. Engine means TRAIN Engine
Post Mortem of Metro Bus Service:

P.S: We already have trains but no engines / locomotives. We have staff, we are paying them heavily but no moving trains. To be realistic you could reduce the possible trains by even half still it would benefit more people than Metro is benefitting. Also look at the cost vs utility vs advantage to number of people One more thing worth noticing is the prices are very variable. However you can still choose engines from different countries depending upon conditions well within the specified range.


Reality of Wife of Sikandar and Zamurd Khan

The news about Wife of Sikandar and Zamurd Khan is totally fake. They do not have any relation with each other.
ISLAMABAD: Aljourah Abdullah A .Alarifi wife of Saudi ambassador in Pakistan giving donation cheque and money to Federal minister for information and broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan and Managing Director Pakistan Bait ul Maal Zamurd Khan during the Charity festival at Saudi embassy.
click on link below for proof.

Police ka Chutkla - we-did-not-kill-this-man-due-to-iftikhar-muhammad-chauhdry-police/

Police ka Chutkla - we-did-not-kill-this-man-due-to-iftikhar-muhammad-chauhdry-police/

ہم اس بندے کو آسانے سے مار سکتے تھے مگر ہم نے اس دہشت گرد کو اس لئے نہیں مارا کیونکہ چیف جسٹس نے سو موٹو صبح لے لینا تھا کہ دہشت گردوں کو کیوں مارا۔ ۔ پولیس کا انکشاف ویڈیو دیکھیں
Had ho gayi lolz

Sheikh Rasheed to India - Should have been said by our political leadership

لگتا ہے کہ امن کی آشا جنگ کی بھاشا بن گئی ہے۔۔۔ انڈیا کی جرءات بھی نہیں کہ وہ پاکستان کو میلی آنکھ سے بھی دیکھیں۔۔۔۔ وہ اگر پاکستان کو دو حصوں میں تقسیم کرنے کی بات کرتا ہے تو سن لیں تو نہ تو پھر مندروں میں گھنٹیہ بجیگی اور نہ 100 سالوں میں وہاں گھاس دیکھ سکیھیں گے ھم 22 ٹکڑے کردیں گے ھندوستان کو۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ھندوستان نے یہ سر پھیریں مسلمان نہیں دیکھے 
شیخ صاحب نے پاکستان کے غدار اینکروں کو بھی خطرے کی گھنٹی بجا دی آج

Indian Occupied Kashmir - Indian Flag Burnt, Pakistani Flag Hoisted

Indian flag burnt & Pak flag hoisted out side Eidgah in Srinagar 

Srinagar 9 Aug 2013:Protestors burnt tri colour and hosted green Flag of Pakistan outside Eidgah in srinagar Kashmir, as per reports stone pelting is still on in Nawahatta area of srinagar and forces have retaliated with heavy teargas shelling, fired pellets and pepper gas on youth from Eidgah to Nawakadal area in srinagar, while Pro Freedom leaders of kashmir have been placed under house arrested by authorities and where not allowed to offer Eid Prayers

Islamabad Mosque - Suicide Bomber Shot Down

ISLAMABAD: Despite ‘heavy deployment’ of security personnel for Eid, a suicide bomber successfully entered a mosque in Islamabad but failed to explode, Express News reported on Friday.
The suspect entered the Jamia Masjid while prayers were in progress. When the attacker’s jacket did not explode, he fired indiscriminately killing a guard of the mosque and injuring two people.
Initial reports suggest the bomber got into a scuffle with the guard, shooting him when he was denied entrance to the main hall of the mosque.  Security personnel in the mosque killed the suicide bomber by firing back.
“The body of the attacker is lying at mosque. Bomb Disposal Squad has been called to defuse the suicide jacket,” reported Express News correspondent.
“It is feared that his jacket might still explode,” said the correspondent.
Screengrab of the suicide bomber inside the mosque.
Local residents gathered in front of the mosque and led a protest against the police for their failure to prevent the bomber from entering the mosque, and for failing to respond to emergency calls in a timely manner.
“The police were called in time but they were unable to take prompt action,” reported Express News’ correspondent.
The mosque is located in the residential area of Bahara Koh, a short distance from the capital’s secure Red Zone.
This is a developing story and will be updated as new information comes in.
 Source: http://tribune.com.pk/story/588647/unable-to-explode-suicide-bomber-gunned-down-in-islamabad-mosque/